
I haven't been consistent in posting regular updates and I want to apologise for this. I'm at the beginning of the adventure that is 'social media'. Also, a lot has happened in the last 2 years that frequently stopped me in my tracks.

A question: What is the most important thing in your life? Are you aware of it? Have you ever talked about it with someone? Maybe it is something so private that you keep it to yourself - it feels too dangerous to share with others. Yes, there is fear associated with verbalising something that is important to us.

160809 It's time to start againOr: there is never the right time and you might as well do it now. It's been quiet at my end - there are reasons for that. But let's not go there right now. It doesn't actually help take the necessary action to get going again. In the last few months, when I caught up with friends I hadn't seen for a while, they asked me about what had happened to the emails they used to receive from me so regularly.