Trauma turns into generational trauma – until resolved
Have you ever wondered why certain events keep on happening: to you, to your family, to a friend, to a colleague? A pattern that keeps repeating, even though you know it’s no
Priti Duffield
Feeling stuck and at a ‘dead end’ in your job? Do you feel you could be doing so much more?
Remember, you are more than your job! Priti can help you find that deep well of more! The problem may not be the job itself but could be your relationships within it – and these may be effecting your other relationships, too.
Confidence, or the lack of it, is something you were given (unless it was taken from you). As an Adult you are likely to have super-powers that you are unaware of. Priti can help you realise the value of these super-powers as the basis of your real confidence.
Imagine having your real, and justified, confidence and what you might do with it!
Perfection is effectively impossible in the human World. Even when achieved it isn’t always appreciated.
‘Good enough’ most often suffices.
The problem with perfection is not only the time it takes – but that it has the effect of making others feel ‘imperfect’ or inadequate! Good enough then is more than sufficient – it allows others to feel good about themselves and their expectations/standards. Helping people feel good about themselves helps us feel good about ourselves.
You are not Robinson Crusoe in this regard. These are conditions that impact so many people these days.
Many people with anxiety also develop depression, and vice versa. Roughly 50% of people diagnosed with depression will also be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Do you often feel tense, restless, and have trouble concentrating because you worry so much. Are you deeply afraid that something bad is going to happen or that you might lose control?
Those of us who experience anxious distress with depression may be at higher risk for suicide and hence need more intensive treatment, so it is important to identify these symptoms if associated with depression. And it is possible to do something to improve your situation.
Some things that happen to us – typically through no fault of our own – can have a lasting effect.
Some events happen before we have the language, or ability, to properly understand them so it’s no surprise that we haven’t effectively ‘dealt with them’.
Things that occur in our everyday lives can trigger memories of these happenings so vivid that we re-live them, including the feelings that we perhaps didn’t feel at the time of the happening (either because we were trained not to, or we were too busy surviving!). Such Trauma recollections can seriously and negatively impact our lives, making our lives almost impossible to bear.
These earlier ‘Traumas’ can be reprocessed so as to remove their impact on your life. Skilled psychotherapists can help with this. Priti is one such psychotherapist.
We all want to live happily, however most of us have problems due to being scarred at some point in our lives. We develop coping mechanisms – such as needing to be in control, self-reliant or numbing out
Depending on which pattern we develop we attract people into our lives that respond to that pattern
The result is often a clash and we feel stuck
We get motivated to change
There is hope. We can help you heal.
What would you like to work on first?
Ever reflected upon how an unresolved problem impacts the rest of your life?
Without doubt it is consuming some of your available thinking power – but is it also distracting your focus on other life priorities? It may even be undermining your confidence!
The good thing about stubborn problems is that they’re often easily dealt with once you’ve correctly identified their cause. That’s where I can help.
Working together – with you on the ‘inside’ and me on the ‘outside’ we can not only define the problem, but we can test potential solutions.
Imagine what you could achieve having solved your stubborn problems!
Maybe there’s a hidden benefit in your failing to achieve your goal? Together we can look into your goal and check that it is beneficial and do-able. We can even set some way points to ensure you see any progress you make. Maybe you’re closer than you think!
Time to get unstuck! There are solutions – straight to the point, and above all, effective. The answers are already within you.
I have been working with Priti for several months now after some very challenging situations in both my personal and professional life became difficult to deal with. At first, I was reluctant to seek help as I did not want to find out I had a problem which could not be fixed. Right from the start Priti was open and accepted me for all the troubles which I had to throw her way. Priti effortless became someone I could trust and seek advice from. Her encouragement, empathy and support made me feel valued and understood. Priti is full of knowledge and wisdom and has given me skills and tools to think about and approach challenging situations in a different way. I’ve learnt so much about myself whilst working with Priti and often have “uh-ha” moments where a sense of clarity or understanding makes me stop realise how far I have come! My outlook has changed in many ways, and I have been able to connect with my inner-self beyond any level I have before. Knowing what I do now, if I could go back in time, the thing I would change is having had sought advice from Priti sooner. I could not recommend Priti’s help any higher.
Tom, HR Manager, NSW
Your work in Systemic Family Constellations could best be described as: Life changing! The SFC session has changed my relationship with my mother significantly. We now have the relationship we both hoped for - free of resentment. The SFC session amazingly revealed the core issue from sources I had not ever considered, from relationships that were in the past still affecting the present. These were acknowledged and addressed and healed and now bring strength to my life. I am now able to forgive and move forward from past hurts and enjoy my mother’s company without the subconscious wall rising in my heart. Combined with EMDR to detach the pain from past memories, I feel the anchors of my internal life have been removed. My general outlook on life and average mood have lifted out of the gloomy fog. Lifelong depression has gone. My emotional latency is strengthened - I have more grace and compassion for myself and my loved ones. Now that the walls are falling down I have begun to feel joy, gratitude and general happiness in my day to day life.
Deb, Northern Territory.
"Priti is an excellent and knowledgeable guide and teacher, and generously shares her experience and innovative approach for all to benefit. She opens her mind to new possibilities, and nurtures one through the teaching in such a way that one feels heard and seen. I thoroughly recommend her System Constellation Facilitator Training."
CS, Artist, Designer, Yogini, Melbourne
I'm enjoying your writing style and content Priti. It's very relaxed and natural. Not too many words. Especially good for someone whose English is their second language. Some feedback: the day after our session I called my father back. He'd left a message a couple of days earlier and i'd half-heartedly tried to call him, unsuccessful in getting through. Well this time the first thing he did was to ask me about myself and we spent the whole conversation talking about some things i'm dealing with that have felt complex. This is a drastic difference from his usual style which has been to talk about what he's up to with little or no interest in what's going on with me. A wonderful shift.
Monica, Geelong, Victoria.
Priti has amazing intuition, stillness and grace that is grounded and balanced with a realist and logical mind. This is reflected in her work, as it offers so much depth and power in a safe and aware environment."
JT, Massage Therapist, Alice Springs.
I would like to thank Priti for everything she has done for all of us. She has been an incredible guide and teacher throughout this journey. I can honestly tell you that this is one experience that I will never forget. This course has exceeded all of my expectations and has opened my eyes to a new way of being. Thank you for that Priti.
MC, Case Manager, Adelaide
I am feeling a peace, ease and restfulness after our session today. Thank you. I love that you have a German sounding accent as it brings my past together with my present but without all the difficult stuff from my German/Yiddish speaking Mother's side and with a worldliness and compassion that comes from who you are and the work you have taken on…
Monica, Geelong, Victoria
Have you ever wondered why certain events keep on happening: to you, to your family, to a friend, to a colleague? A pattern that keeps repeating, even though you know it’s no
Communication - an essential human trait is something we often take for granted. We're often less good at it than we think. We can get better at it.