When your mother dies

When your mother dies

It’s hard to believe, but it’s three months since I jumped on a plane to Switzerland to be with my mother when she was dying.

Throughout this intense flight I was nervous and not really in my body – and it was amazing at the same time.

The doTERRA Peace essential oil blend helped me so much. It supported me in accepting that I could not control whether I would see her alive or not.

It helped me to be still and go in.

Watching movies or sleeping was not possible – so I meditated. I was with her and talked to her… then she was suddenly with me too.

I didn’t make it to see her alive. She died while I was somewhere over Afghanistan (I think).

You might think that this was unfortunate, but the way it all happened was perfect, and I’ll write about this at a later stage.

It was strong, that’s for sure.

No matter how your relationship with your mother, when she dies, it goes deep, very deep – you’re suddenly motherless.

The woman, who gave birth to you is gone, her spirit somewhere in the ether….

If you’d like to reach out, send me a message or call me.

Much love to you all