About Consistency and Acceptance

About Consistency and Acceptance

I haven’t been consistent in posting regular updates and I want to apologise for this. I’m at the beginning of the adventure that is ‘social media’.

Also, a lot has happened in the last 2 years that frequently stopped me in my tracks.

I started quite a few new things without being able to hold momentum.

Now, while I don’t believe in blaming, in making external forces the cause of inaction, sometimes things just need to be called out as they are.

Whenever I had a setback in the last year, I at first tried to push through it. However, that didn’t work. The forces were stronger than me.

Like, one’s mother dies only once – and when this happened last November, it took all my attention. It was worth it.

So much learning came out it that will benefit me and the people around me for the rest of my life.

Back to how to respond to external forces and taking responsibility… the learnings I would like to share with you are:

  • In accepting the situation as it is – I am taking responsibility
  • In acknowledging what has happened to others – I take responsibility
  • In coming back again and again – I show courage
  • In committing to give my best, no matter what – I show responsibility

So, I am committing to give my best to be constent, honest and inspiring in my writing to you, my reader.

I hope, this will inspire you to commit to give your best to something important in your life where you have not been consistent so far.

And to receive more frequent snippets of inspiration head over to my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/changemadereal/ and click the ‘Like’ button

With Love