How to Thrive in Life

150223 Oma 1950A strange thing happened to me the other day. I got a call from a health practitioner. She was closing her practice - as of now. This news was a bit of a shock to the system. Had weekly bookings with her for the next 6 weeks, to help heal an injured shoulder. The practitioner had been sick for over a week - and, when recovered took time to reassess her situation. She concluded that some of her family members needed her help, even more than her clients did.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how unconscious (and limiting) loyalty in a team can hinder results. This concept can be expanded - from unconscious to conscious loyalties - from teams to an entire organisation. In addition to the official org chart, there are several other orders in play, both...

I'm back! I did not send my last scheduled email There are various ways to deal with such a situation - Here's one you might not have heard of before: A dear mentor of mine once said that saying sorry doesn't make things better - unless you're committed to...