Why sometimes support is so important

Why sometimes support is so important

150820 Living with DementiaJenny is sitting in the sunshine on the terrace of her mother’s flat – reflecting back on the last few weeks.

Bad news.

Her mother has Dementia and has taken a seemingly sudden downturn.

Jenny’s sister, the primary caretaker, is on a well deserved holiday, her brother is working in two jobs.

Uncertainty about the best place for her mother.

A spontaneous decision to jump on a plane to be with her.

Walking up towards the aged care complex she lives in – a shock.

Outside on a bench, a little old lady, vaguely looking like the mother she once knew – chain smoking.

Slowly, over the next days, Jenny gets used to this new form of mother.

She’s here. And yet so far.

The only thing Jenny can do is be with her – and breathe.

Yet, in all this, support and generosity is coming from unexpected corners – old and new friends open their hearts, and homes.

In times like this we need to be able to keep a balance.

Yes, being strong is important, as is caring for ourselves too – we don’t have to do it all alone.

Support is out there – and can be a life saver.

There is no better moment than now to learn to accept it with grace.

So, if you are in a situation like this, open your heart, let the love in that comes your way.

Be open and be aware – it usually comes unexpectedly.

Sounds daunting?

Get in touch with me – wherever you are I am available to help you help yourself.

There is no distance too far for Skype.

With love