12 Jan Thank you for reading my updates – an announcement
Thanks heaps for staying with me in a time of learning. I feel grateful to have such wonderful people reading my updates.
Over the last few months I have developed a more personal relationship with you.
Tuning into you every day and thinking about what you might like – or need to read, created a special place for you in my heart.
It was like having a conversation – which deepened when you responded and told me what resonated with you.
So, I promise to continue – with some change.
Some people said that they couldn’t read all my emails, that one every day was a bit much.
In addition, towards the end of the year, I started running on empty.
So, over the last few weeks I took the time to relax and reflect on the best way forward.
Asked myself what’s the ideal number of emails per week – enjoyable for you to read, sustainable for me to write?
And be able to continue to provide quality content.
So, I used a Systemic Constellation to find the best answer.
The result: two emails a week – in your inbox Mondays and Thursdays.
Finding the best way of sharing my work and my experience with as many people as possible is an ongoing exploration.
Thanks again for being with me.