26 Dec The meditator – to fit or not to fit into today’s lifestyle
These days meditating is done with a timer – 10, 20, 40 minutes.
There is only so much time available per day.
A timer is used a lot these days – and not just to boil that perfect egg.
I even do it sometimes for the writing, so that I don’t spend all day on it.
But, does a timer really fit with a meditative and creative mindset? I wonder.
Then another question: Does meditating and relaxing fit into today’s fast paced world?
We get relaxed and then we need to speed up again to be at work on time, to meet a friend, to go to a social event.
So, what does a meditative lifestyle really mean.
Does it fit into a world where we need to ‘deliver’?
I know some people who bring that purposeful, goal oriented approach even to meditation.
“You have to meditate at least an hour” I’ve been told by a chiropractor recently.
Then he asked: “Do you get that state of bliss where nothing is?”
“No” I said “I just watch what is”
“You gotta focus on your third eye” was the answer.
I didn’t answer. There is no point in arguing.
If I wouldn’t know better, I could have felt like a failure.
“Can’t do it right.”
That’s not really helpful.
So, to get back to the original question – is there space for meditation in today’s lifestyle?
I think there is – and not just that, I think it’s necessary.
If we don’t look after our wellbeing holistically, meaning the mind and the emotions included, we won’t have much of a ‘quality of life’.
And not just that, our physical health will suffer too.
Recently, I heard a quote from the Dalai Lama. It goes something like this: “I am very busy today – I need to meditate a bit more.”
I’m not quite sure how this fits into a day, but it makes sense.
The busier we are, the more ‘down time’ we need, and meditation helps recharge our battery.
It helps us take a step back. We can get a better overview.
It’s relaxing, creates focus and keeps us in our centre.
Sometimes however, we are on a speed train, and don’t know how to get off. Then, taking the first step towards meditation is hard.
If this is where you are right now, get in touch with me, and we can have a look at how you can change your mindset and attitude – and create balance in your life again.