13 Dec Of trust and checking credentials
Full-on busy with getting my accounts in order.
Day after day staring into the computer screen, checking dockets and statements, trying to figure out what the bookkeeper had done.
I had engaged her last January after trying to do it myself for a couple of years. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like she knew what she was doing.
Discovered a lot of mistakes and discrepancies.
Not a nice thing.
It took two weeks out of an already full work schedule to sort this out.
But, as so often, there is an upside to the story: I took control of my books again.
When it was finally done, I had a sense of achievement.
Learnt a lot about myself – and about trust.
Realised that I hadn’t trusted the bookkeeping process I had in place, a process that had worked well for our company for many years.
On the other hand, I had trusted somebody I did not know, to do our bookkeeping without checking her background or getting references.
Didn’t pay attention to the warning signs that were there right from the the start.
On reflection I realised that checking credentials and trusting someone can go together.
In fact, they have to go together, as I have written about in the story on tethering the camel at night a while back.
Now we have a modern day example.
It’s not ‘either or’ – life is not black and white.
Grey shades are there too.
It’s beautiful to trust people. It just needs to be in the right context.
It’s perfectly fine to check credentials first.
Which didn’t even occur to me!
It’s funny, how we think we understand a story of wisdom, then promptly fall into a trap.
Today’s tale, however, has a good ending.
In the end I did trust my gut feel – and the accounts are sorted now.
The camel is back.
So, if you are in a challenging situation, and need a good ending, contact me.
I can help you get unstuck – and I have credentials that show you can indeed trust me, such as this testimonial:
“I was impressed by her ability to extract enormous insight and clarity of systemic issues and facilitate movement toward resolution.”
Sue Thompson, EVOLVE Performance Group
photo credit: archer10 (Dennis) via photopin cc