13 Nov Of small and big change – and how we can learn to deal with it
Recently I saw a testimonial for a redesigned website:
“When I saw the new design, I was slightly irritated. But that changed very quickly!”
Obviously this quote was from someone that was used to the look and feel of the old website – felt comfortable with it, even if it had some idiosyncrasies.
At first she didn’t like the new look.
It struck me as a great example of how we humans deal with change.
We are a creatures of habits.
Change throws us out of our comfort zone.
A lot of us like to be in control.
It is not easy when something new gets thrust on us – as happened to the visitor to that website.
Technology is an area we can watch our response to change – it happens all the time.
For example, we get used to a system on our phone and then an ‘upgrade’ comes – whether we like it or not.
We are more challenged than ever.
We get irritated – slightly, or not so slightly by such forced change.
This phenomena was first shown to me when I worked as a freelance computer trainer, quite a while back.
It soon became evident that giving emotional support was equally important to transmitting technical skills. This, I happily provided.
So, how do you deal with change?
What was your initial response when you suddenly started receiving these daily emails?
Maybe you were surprised, or slightly irritated, right?
Slowly you got used to it, and realised – you enjoyed reading these tales.
It’s worth reflecting on how we respond to the small changes in our life.
We get to know ourselves – develop an objective view.
We learn strategies on how to deal with change that can help us when something ‘big’ gets thrust upon us.
If you’d like some help in developing these skills, you might be interested in the resilience program I created. I am here to help you, as always.