08 Nov About adventure, taking a risk or two and getting out of your comfort zone
Last night we went for dinner to the Radio Springs Hotel, an eccentric place in the middle of nowhere and where the street sign says ‘Centre of the Universe’.
The food is beautiful and they have live music. We like it and go there a lot.
On the way out we see a fellow mountain bike rider and his partner in the bar.
It was the first time we saw him since his epic cycling ride from Perth to Broome up the West coast of Australia.
We went over to the bar to hear about what he had to tell.
It was a 15 day journey of 2500 km through rugged and empty country. The longest day in the saddle was 250 km at an average speed of 30 km per hour.
Yes, Russell is fit.
He went with a ‘mate’ he hadn’t known before the trip. We hear that it went really well.
Now, doing such a journey with someone you don’t know is a risk. He might not be as fit as Russell. Anything could happen.
Robby was a good match to Russ. He was outgoing and talked to people.
Truckies in road trains took their luggage further up the road, so that they had a lighter bike for a while. People gave them food and beer. The beer was important.
Farmers put the bikes on the back of their ute and invited them to their farm for a meal, a bed and a beer.
Outback Australia is like that. People help each other out. At first sight it can be a bit scary though, people look rougher than what they are.
So, talking to strangers can have unexpected – and positive results.
Apart from being fit and experienced bike riders, this trip was a success for the two mates for a few more reasons. For example, they didn’t play safe – in fact, not safe at all.
They went on an adventure and took risks. They went into the unknown.
They were open to people they didn’t know. They were able to let go of judgements and accept invitations from people who looked a bit rough at first sight.
They trusted people on the road.
They went out of their comfort zone.
Now, do you have something you would like to do, but are hesitating, maybe fearful?
Is there maybe a block that stops you from going out of your comfort zone into the unknown, even though you really want to go there?
I can help you break out. Systemic Constellations are great. It unlocks the subconscious mind, so that your life can flow again.
To find out more, get in touch.