19 Oct Of Tony Abbot and Viktor Frankl
Tony Abbot has been the prime minister of Australia for a year now. What has happened in this time is scary:
- Education funds for universities are cut
- Carbon tax has been abolished and is refunded
- Civil rights are lost in the so called war on terrorism
No, this email is not a political rant.
However… I am not so sure about you, but… I don’t like it:
- When our kids can’t afford good education – after all they have to live on this planet after us
- When brown coal is burnt for electricity while there is clean energy available
- When the government changes the rules to allow them to look at my web browsing history and phone calls I make
It gets personal. It affects the quality of our lives.
So, what can we do about it?
We could start fighting it and join an activist group.
We could bitch and complain and then forget about it.
We could give up and go on anxiety medication.
Not good ingredients to live a happy and fulfilled life.
To me, they don’t sound the way to go.
However, sometimes the powers of the day are such, that we don’t have much control about what’s happening in our environment.
In comes Viktor Frankl.
His book, Man’s Search for Meaning, was a life changer for me.
Frankl survived the Holocaust in Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps.
Life can’t get worse than that.
And yet, he offers a way to find meaning and purpose.
He knows how – he’s found it in the most atrocious circumstances.
I highly recommend you read Victor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning. If you’re not a reader, you can also listen to an audio version.
It will transform your thinking.
If Frankl could stay free and keep his dignity in Auschwitz, so can we in the face of today’s world.
And… if you would like some help in your journey to meaning, purpose and inner freedom, I’m here, as always.
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