04 Sep More on routine, and how things fall into place
So many beautiful responses came back to the call on sharing tips on ‘how to stay on top of things’ the other day.
Friends sent emails, shared, commented and asked. They took the opportunity to get in touch.
I love this kind of exchange. Sometimes it’s quick and light, a few words in an email. Sometimes it’s a deep and meaningful conversation between friends or in a professional relationship. It’s all out there for grabs.
It’s good to hear of the thoughts my posts trigger.
Many wrote: “I hear you”. What a nice thing to say! It also shows that many of us are in the same boat. Life is very busy these days. Expectations are high.
I hear you too.
Staying in touch and listening is so important in a world like today, where many people suffer from isolation. Traditional tribal structures are falling apart.
New tribes are created – a good thing. It’s where we sharing with each other what works for us.
So, what are people’s tips and tricks to stay on top of things? Actually the suggestions arriving in my inbox are more about effectiveness.
Here are 5 learnings:
- A reminder about keeping lists, prioritisation, sticking to a plan and crossing items off.
- Sticking to one task at a time to completion. The writer is a master of this. She has achieved a lot by almost single-handedly developing a 10 acre property.
- Someone else highlights ‘down time’ and not being available 24/7, so important in this information age.
- More importantly, the same person also asks a question, wondering whether I might have some tips. Being able to ask for help is another important thing.
- Another friend suggests assembling a team and explores the benefits of ‘having a whole army of helpers to delegate to’. She would know, she runs a medical practice.
There you go. Things are falling into place.
They just do.
Tomorrow is the Introduction evening to the Systemic and Family Constellation workshop in Alice Springs. I understand that some of you might not be able to come this time.
Maybe next time?