About old

Priti, the driving force behind Change Made Real, has had extensive professional training, having gained a Masters Degree in Counselling.

With many years as a practising Psychotherapist, Priti is skilled in techniques such as Systemic (aka Family) Constellations, Solution-Focused Coaching and much more. Indeed she’s presently working toward certifying as an Imago Relationship Therapist.

In addition to her work with couples in relationship, she also works with individuals on issues of: Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Drug & Alcohol Dependence, and Post-Traumatic Stress. A lifelong practice of meditation has given Priti ‘super powers’ when it comes to ‘holding space’ and ‘getting out of the way’ when facilitating couples work.

Her husband, Malcolm, on the other hand, comes to his supporting role in this work from a different place – a life in science and technology, after an initial career in television, advertising and marketing.

A marriage break-up and the discovery of the consolations of philosophy led him to reappraise his life and experiences. Meeting Priti gave him timely exposure to powerful forms of Psychotherapy.

Effectively ‘Rebooted’ he’s done much work on himself resulting in new perspective.

Competent with technology, Change Made Real uses it to overcome both ‘the tyranny of distance’ and ‘the constraints of time’ – it’s handily virus-proof too . Priti can provide appropriate training and coaching via video over the Internet, to wherever and whenever works for you.

Walking home

And, as we’re based in Outback Australia, it is extremely unlikely you’ll ever bump into us socially!

We are, and have been, our own experiment. We trial all of Priti’s techniques on our own problems. In the 15th year of our relationship, we’ve had our fair share. That we continue to thrive as a couple also suggests we’ve had some success!

If you too would like to experience success – click here