30 Jun Maybe the ‘law of attraction’ is misunderstood
Here is a poem for you:
When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety;
If I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without any pain.
From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me.
There is a great secret in this for anyone who can grasp it.
It’s by Rumi, a Sufi mystic and philosopher from the 13th Century.
So, why did I send this poem with this subject line?
In my experience, what we want is not necessarily what we need.
Yes, we can go after it even if its not what we need, but that creates stress.
We might succeed – but at the cost of life becoming empty.
Because we are rejecting another part of ourselves.
That’s one of the things that are wrong with the ‘Law of Attraction’ and other programs that exclusively focus on manifesting your future.
The verse from the bible ‘ask and you shall be given’ has been interpreted as ‘you can get whatever you want’.
Rumi says:
“If I sit in my own place of patience,
What I need flows to me,
And without any pain.”
Now, this sentence could be taken to the other extreme – as a justification to be lazy.
Do nothing, and what you need will come anyway.
That’s not how I understand Rumi’s secret, however.
Because when ‘I sit in my own place of patience’ I don’t just ‘go with the flow’ – I reflect on what is good for me.
Through patience I have space to find out whether what I want actually suits.
Through self-reflection I learn what ‘wants me’, and how what I want fits that.
Once I understand this, I am not stressed.
My actions become so much more powerful – because I am in tune with what wants me.
Swimming down a river is much easier than swimming upriver – but I’m still swimming.
The result might be different to what I’d imagined – but I’m fine with it.
This is the secret Rumi is talking about.
We might still face challenges, but from the perspective of patience we can find a way through.
We can also realise when we need help.
It might show itself in unexpected ways – yet we recognise it as help.
It may pop-up in our inbox (like this email).
We might feel touched by what we read.
If this is you, get in touch with me.
You too can take your next step in confidence.